Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (2025)

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (1)
Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (2)


Carribiens Sail

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (3)

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (4)

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (5)


Saona VIP tour

Saona “Canto de la Playa”(with stop in Canto de la playa and Mano Juan)

Price: 85 $ (lunch without lobster – 70 $)

Saona(without stop in Canto de la playa and Mano Juan)

Price: 60$

(children under 5 travel free, children 6–12 pay half price)

Start: 8:30 – End 17:00

With our motor catamaran wevisit the beautiful beaches and scenery ofthis incredible island. Westart this full day tour inBayahibe. While weapproach the caves ofthe Tainos, will your English-speaking guide provide information tothe National Park. Seestars offers you the Piscina Natural. Inthis natural bath weenjoy our first swim with aglass ofrum. Onthe way toSaona Island wepass the mangroves and ifweare lucky, even aturtle swims past onour boat. Onasmall tour inthe little fishing village called Mano Juan you can visit the school, church, asmall supermarket several local souvenir shops and the turtle project.

Onthe beach under palm trees weserve you typical Dominican food like lobster and pork with rice and salad. Onrequest, chicken orfish can bereserved inadvance. Water, Sprite, Coca-Cola and rum are available throughout the day.

After 10 minutes drive wereach the beautiful beach Canto delaPlaya. Here you can lie down inthe sun, take awalk onthe beach, enjoy amassage orexplore the small reef with mask and snorkel. Tropical fruits and fresh coconut gives you the perfect the Caribbean-feeling.

Colorful Caribbean fish you see onour last stop when westopp for snorkeling shortly before Bayahibe. Back anBayahibe the taxi will wait for you, which takes you back toyour hotel.
Pick upand return tothe hotel, Snorkel equipment and meals are included inthe price

This day trip wealso offer inprivate groups with speedboats.

Catalina Island

Price: 47 $ (drinks)

Start 8:30 – End 14:00

This isabeautiful half-day trip byspeed boat oramotor catamaran (min. 10 people) for those who like todive orsnorkel and love arich coral reef.
Our first stop iscalled «The Wall». While the snorkelers observe the amazing reef from the surface, the divers explore awall rich ofdifferent kind ofcorals. Our second dive iscalled «Aquarium» and islocated just afew meters infront of«Catalina Beach», where our snorkelers lay onthe beach already, enjoy acool drink orexplore the reef located just infront ofthe beach.
Ifyou like you get the opportunity tovisit some small souvenir shops onthe beach ortake awalk onthe beach.
After astay of1.5 hour onthe beach westart our journey back toBayahibe and pass Casa deCampo where stars like Ricky Martin, Shakira, Julio Iglesias and other celebrities own ahouse. Anyone who has seen the movie Rambo 2 orKing Kong will maybe recognize the Rio deChavon.
The price includes drinks onboard and onthe beach like rum, Sprite, Coca-Cola, water, fresh fruit and snacks.

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (6)


Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (7)


Santo Domingo

Price: 81 $

Start 8:30 – End 17:30

Are you ready for abeautiful walk through the capital? Weare going tovisit the historical centre, atypical supermarkets and the Hard Rock Cafe. Also part ofthe tour are the Cathedral, the house ofColumbus, the lighthouse, the sundial and «lacalle delas Damas» (the ladies street).
And don’tforget the “3 Ojos” – the three eyes. These are three partly underground freshwater lakes surrounded bystalactites. Bepart ofthe enchanting beauty ofnature. The third lake wereach byraft. Westop atthe Cathedral ofAlta Gracia inHiguey onour way back toBayahibe.
Lunch inthe restaurant isincluded inthe price.

Speed boat tours

Rio de Chavon

Price: two-man boat: 128 $, single boat: 95 $
Start 8:30 – End 12:00

Piscina Natural and mangrove

Price: two man boat: 128 $, single boat: 95 $

Start 13:30 – End 17:00

Beyour own captain! InBayahibe westart the engines and head towards LaRomana. Here weturn tothe estuary ofthe Rio deChavon and follow the river course. Enjoy the solitude and beauty ofthis nature and passing movie locations from classics like Rambo 2 and King Kong. Onthe way back you gopast the village ofCasa deCampo. Here you can find properties ofstars and celebrities like Ricky Martin, Shakira and Julio Iglesias. Onthe boat dock you can see the private yachts and luxury boats.

Who wants topress onthe gas inthe afternoon, drives tothe Piscina Natural with us. This natural bath isalso famous for the big Seestars. From Bayahibe you will drive southeast direction Saona. You gofirst past the caves ofthe Tainos, drive very close tothe mangrove forests and inthe end you can toast inthe Piscina Natural with arum onyour driving skills.

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (8)


Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (9)


Horse riding

Price: 68 $ (duration 2.5 hours)

Start 9:00 – End 11:30

Itoffers you abeautiful horseback ride through the National Park West. Here you have the possibility toadmire the protected flors and animals ofthe Dominican Republic. Onthe way back you can get wet when weride along the beach through the water. Unforgettable photos are guaranteed

Price: 122 $ (duration 5 hours)

Start 9:00 – End 14:00

Would you spend more time with your horse, explore the National Park and also ride along the beach longer? Then wehave just the right offer for you. Our 5 hours trip not only goes deeper into the national park, italso allows astop atthe caves tolook atthe cave paintings ofthe Tainos. With afresh coconut you have the opportunity torelax inthe ocean. Wet you’ll atleast onthe way back, when weride through knee-deep water. Awonderful day, for animal and nature lovers.

Deep sea fishing

Price: 135 $

Start 7:30 – End 12:30

You’ll goout with aprofessional fishing boat inthe sea. Sonar, fishing chairs and rods are available for you. Whit maximum 5 people you spend the morning with adrift- fishing. Meals are onboard like coca cola, water, rum, beer and snacks. With alittle luck you get adorado, marlin oraswordfish home.
Onrequest, wealso offer full-day excursions ororganize aprivate tour for you.
Some who likes just tosee the spectacle can join for 102 $.

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (10)


Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (11)


Whale excursion to Samana

Price: 162 $

Start 6:30 – End 19:30 (January to March)

This full day trip offers you anunforgettable experience and the possibility toget photos from the vicinity ofthese beautiful animals. After atwo-hour bus ride tothe north ofthe island, wedrive with our excursion boat into the Atlantic. For two hours weadmire the spectacle ofnature and beimpressed bythe size and grace ofthese animals. Undisturbed bythe spectators the whale present ustheir gigantic whales flippers and their somersaults.
Meals are included inthe price and includes adelicious breakfast, lunch buffet and drinks.


Price: 75 $

Start 8:15 – End 17:15

With atypical Dominican, open van wedrive into the interior ofthe Dominican Republic. Wewalk orride, asdesired, through the sugar cane plantations. Here you will see the cultivation ofcoffee, cacao, tobacco, pineapple, papaya, vanilla and various tropical fruits.
Our guides will inform you during atasting fruit onthe cultivation ofplants and the lives ofworkers and their families. After visiting the Rum factory weserve you onasmall hill adelicious lunch. After that provides you the opportunity tobathe inthe river oryou can visit the village ofthe sugar cane workers.
Onthe way back wevisit the Cathedral ofHiguey. Drinks are available atany time (Sprite, Coke water, rum, beer) and are included inthe price.

Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (12)


Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (13)


Buggy tour

Price: 122 $ – pair, 81 $ – single

Start 8:00 – End 13:00 or Start 13:00 – End 18:00

With the buggy you drive 22 km through the jungle and you will see the beautiful caves and mines ofthe Cumaiaza Calice. Later wevisit afishing village and the school. Before wegoback home you have the opportunity toswim inthe sea.
Other option toexit the sugar additions and the Rio deChavon are also offered.



    Excursions in the Dominican Republic: prices for excursions in Bayaiba | «Casa Daniel» (2025)
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    Name: Margart Wisoky

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    Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.