Just Cause 3 and 4 "difficulty" | Fandom (2025)


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MrBreak16·9/11/2019in General Discussion

Just Cause 3 and 4 "difficulty"

The enemies are literally OP in both games...

In 3 there arehordes of enemies around you with perfect aim, helicopters, tanks and boats that also have perfect aim, and they will all shoot at you at the same time and kill you in less then 10 seconds... I know there needs to be a challenge, but that is way too much...

In 4 it is even worse... You have enemies and vehicles that spawn out of nowhere and there arethesesnipers, grenadiers and rocket snipers... these 3 kinds of enemies are the worst. Sniper will kill you in two shot, rocket sniper will keep shoot rockets at you, and thesedamn grenadiers will shoot grenades at you every 5 seconds and not enableyou to play! This is freaking absurd, I feel like I am playing in a difficult setting... why can’t Avalanche put freaking difficulty settings with easy, normal and hard just like in Just Cause 2?

Admin action: Fixed some atrocious spelling/grammar.

(Edited by administrators)

Just Cause 3Just Cause 4

A Fandom user·11/17/2019

I've died thousands of times because I entered a restricted area in the games

(Edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·11/18/2019

Which is a funny thing I do

(Edited by A Fandom user)


Tbh I feel like 4's combat was much worse than 3's, but there are easy ways to dispatch of the Black Hand and their vehicles including shooting tires, drivers, or tethering them to the side of the road. As for kamikaze drivers I realized that they simply always veer to their left--if you come at them on the left side of the road (head-on) they won't run into you.

(Edited by TreyR9)


The Medici Military isn't that big of a threat, but just be wary when Urga Bkolos 2100s and/or CS Odjurs plus CS Navajos are in the area

Rico's grappler when upgraded sufficiently can make Rico evasive enough to avoid any enemy fire

Just Cause 4 on the other hand

The use of jet fighters in heat have not been seen since the days of JC(1), so heat in JC4 is probably the hardest difficulty of heat ever in a Just Cause game (though some Ulysses-McCoy Redclouds can still destroy any vehicle in one strike from unguided missiles)

Fellhawk Jet Fighters still fire unguided missiles, but these are four at a time, and some vehicles can only survive two or at best four rounds of unguided quad missiles

In short,

Just Cause 3 heat isn't too difficult until like heat level 5, and Just Cause 4 heat because of the no heat levels is basically having to stay on your feet and be wary of your surroundings at all times

Especially when no minute passes without a tank spawning

(Edited by Anonymous230385)

A Fandom user·5/20/2020

What is really annoying about Just Cause 4's BH is how easy it is for them to stun you. For instance, when I was playing I was fighting the BH in the frontier for fun, until a Fighter Jet comes in, stuns me with rockets, a Longbow Cannon shoots and stuns me as well, and I don't even know what the fuck took the third shot, but it stunlocked me and basically I died and could do nothing about it.

Enemies (at least to me) are easy to kill, but you have to be mobile at ALL times otherwise it's stunlock hell, and sometimes they still nail the artillery shots on you, and if you are on ground you have to wait about 2 seconds to get up everytime you are shot with cannos/rockets

And with how high BH Fighter Jets fly, it's almost impossible to get a hold on them, neither with the Grappling Hook, Tethering, nor any AA weapon.

TL:DR: JC4's BH are bad because stunlock.

(Edited by A Fandom user)


That just shows that you're doing it wrong by not staying in the air enough and by not grappling around frequently enough.

Otherwise it's like you're arguing that you don't mind Rico having god-like powers, but you insist that all enemies be harmless and stationary "fish in a bucket", or "siting ducks".

It also shows that you haven't played JC1. We didn't have a wingsuit then and the early grappler could only attach to vehicles (no ground and no buildings). And at the highest level of Heat in JC1 they come at you with hordes of jet fighters and heavy attack helicopters that launch 4 missiles in a single shot and if you're on the ground, all you can do is run with a hail of bullets in your back and see how every vehicle you approach (with intent to hijack) is blown up in front of you.

If anything, thanks to the powers of the JC2 and later grappler, Rico is unstoppably powerful now. JC3 and JC4 even provide a number of super-weapons that only the player can use (lightning guns, electro-weapons that blow up vehicles, multi-shot missile launchers, guided bullets, ...). And his health regenerates to 100% with in a few seconds.

(Edited by GMRE)


Reactivated 163 days later

Yes you obviously have not experienced heat in JC1.

The heat there is almost as tough as the heat in JC4.

Imagine fighter jets and helicopters that could fire missiles that while aren't homing, could instantly devastate you and/or your vehicle in under 5 seconds.

With JC2-JC4's grappler, evasiveness has never been easier.

Just grapple to a place and keep moving around.

Use shift to reel yourself in faster on PC, and use whatever controls on console to reel yourself in faster there.

Heat in JC4 I admit is probably the hardest out of any Just Cause game, but with extreme maneuverability with your grappling hook, you can survive.

(Edited by Anonymous230385)


Very late to the thread, but JC4's heat isn't that hard to escape. my best tactic is just hide in water Or, you can simplykill yourself. You won't get any kind of penalty as far as I know. These tactics probably aren't that useful in missions, but at least those are a bit more forgiving with the number of BH's in my experience. Note that I only played JC4, not any of the other games, not that that matters.

(Edited by Crunchy49)


I don't consider killing Rico to be an acceptable method for heat loss, but I had no idea that going for a swim is helpful.

Entering a large cave is probably also helpful, because there are normally no NPCs in them.

(Edited by GMRE)


Oh and, Imeant underwater, not just regular swimming.

(Edited by Crunchy49)

Just Cause 3 and 4 "difficulty" | Fandom (2025)
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